• Attempts to build a valid selector for a dataset with the specified key and optional value. If tagName is specified, it is included in the resulting selector.


    • key: string

      Property or attribute name for the dataset entry.

    • Optionalvalue: null | DatasetValue

      Optional value of the dataset entry.

    • OptionaltagName: TagName

      Optional tag name for the element.

    Returns CssSelector

    CSS selector based on the specified key and optional value.

    Dataset Key without Value

    // `[data-some-thing]`

    data- Attribute Name without Value

    // `[data-some-thing]`

    Dataset Key with Value

    selectDatasetEntry("someThing", "stuff");
    // `[data-some-thing="stuff"]`

    data- Attribute Name with Value and Tag

    selectDatasetEntry("data-some-thing", "stuff", "a");
    // `a[data-some-thing="stuff"]`