• Checks if the target has the ID property that matches id.

    Note that you can pass an ID string or CSS selector (e.g. #some-id). If your ID starts with # and is not a CSS selector, ensure there are two # prefixes instead of one.


    • target: null | Target

      Element, EventTarget, or CSS selector.

    • id: string

      ID to check for element.

    Returns boolean

    true if the target has the specified id.

    InvalidElementError if the specified target wasn't found.


    <div class="example" id="no-hash">Example</div>
    <div class="example" id="#hash">Example</div>


    const [noHash, hasHash] = findAllElements(".example");

    idMatches(noHash, "no-hash");
    // true

    idMatches(hasHash, "#hash");
    // false

    idMatches(hasHash, "##hash");
    // true