All the attributes from the WAI-ARIA 1.1 Specification.
Attributes for a HTMLAnchorElement.
Attributes for a HTMLAreaElement.
Common attributes for all HTMLElements.
Attributes for HTMLElement by the corresponding tag name.
Attributes for a HTMLAudioElement.
Attributes for a HTMLBaseElement.
Attributes for a HTMLButtonElement.
Attributes for a HTMLCanvasElement.
Attributes for a HTMLColgroupElement.
Attributes for a HTMLDataElement.
Attributes for a HTMLDelElement.
Attributes for a HTMLDetailsElement.
Attributes for a HTMLDialogElement.
Attributes for a HTMLEmbedElement.
Attributes for a HTMLFieldSetElement.
Attributes for a HTMLFormElement.
Attributes for a HTMLHtmlElement.
Attributes for a HTMLIFrameElement.
Attributes for a HTMLImageElement.
Attributes for a HTMLInputElement.
Attributes for a HTMLInsElement.
Attributes for a HTMLKeygenElement.
Attributes for a HTMLLabelElement.
Attributes for a HTMLLIElement.
Attributes for a HTMLLinkElement.
Attributes for a HTMLMapElement.
Attributes for a HTMLMediaElement.
Attributes for a HTMLMenuElement.
Attributes for a HTMLMetaElement.
Attributes for a HTMLMeterElement.
Attributes for a HTMLObjectElement.
Attributes for a HTMLOListElement.
Attributes for a HTMLOptGroupElement.
Attributes for a HTMLOptionElement.
Attributes for a HTMLOutputElement.
Attributes for a HTMLParamElement.
Attributes for a HTMLProgressElement.
Attributes for a HTMLQuoteElement.
Attributes for a HTMLScriptElement.
Attributes for a HTMLSelectElement.
Attributes for a HTMLSlotElement.
Attributes for a HTMLSourceElement.
Attributes for a HTMLStyleElement.
Attributes for a HTMLTableElement.
Attributes for a HTMLTableCellElement.
Attributes for a HTMLTableColElement.
Attributes for a HTMLTemplateElement.
Attributes for a HTMLTextAreaElement.
Attributes for a HTMLTimeElement.
Attributes for a HTMLTrackElement.
Attributes for a HTMLVideoElement.
Attributes for a webview
element. This element is available when using
Electron. See the Electron documentation
for additional details.
Attributes for any SVGElement.
Attributes for SVGElement by the corresponding tag name.
All HTML and SVG element attributes.
All the role
attribute values from the WAI-ARIA 1.1 Specification.
Value type for boolean attributes. Some boolean attributes can either be
or false
or the string "true"
or "false"
Element type associated with the specified tag name.
All options for the autocomplete
Options for the target
in an HTMLAnchorElement.
Attributes for the HTMLElement of type E
Tag name for HTML element.
Options for the type
attribute of an <input>
Filter criteria for determining if a DOM property has the specified value.
Search criteria that can be used to determine if a DOM property is present on an element. If an array, only the presence of the property names are checked. If an object, the property name and value are checked.
Attributes for any SVGElement.
Tag name for SVG element.
Tag name for any HTML or SVG element. Use "*"
to represent any element.
This module contains commonly used utility types, type definitions for DOM properties that can be searched, and type definitions for DOM elements and attributes that extend the DOM types that ship with TypeScript.
types are used primarily for thehas*
, andhasSome*
functions to determine if elements contain matching properties.