Function getChordDisplay

  • Gets the display value for the specified chord. If the chord is a combination of multiple keys/buttons, the display value for each key/button is joined with the specified joinSymbol.


    • chord: number

      Combination of Token elements to get display value for.

    • OptionaljoinSymbol: string

      Symbol to join chord display values.

    Returns string

    The display value extracted from the specified chord.

  • Gets the display value for the Chord derived from the specified keyboard or mouse event. If the chord is a combination of multiple keys/buttons, the display value for each key/button is joined with the specified joinSymbol.


    • event: ChordedEvent

      Keyboard or mouse event to get chord display for.

    • OptionaljoinSymbol: string

      Symbol to join chord display values.

    Returns string

    The display value for the chords extracted from the specified event.