
Svelte wrapper over Redux.


Version 3 of this library only works with Svelte v5!

Install the dependency. Note that svelte and @laserware/stasis are required as a peer dependencies:

npm install @laserware/sword @laserware/stasis svelte

Wrap your Svelte entry point component with <Provider>:

Entry File (src/main.ts)

import { Provider } from "@laserware/sword";
import { mount } from "svelte";

import App from "./App.svelte";

const app = mount(App, { target: document.body });

export default app();

Svelte Component (src/App.svelte)

<script lang="ts">
import { Provider } from "@laserware/sword";

import { createStore } from "./my-redux-store";

import MyComponent from "./MyComponent.svelte"

const store = createStore();

<Provider {store}>
<MyComponent />

If you don't want to create another component file just to add Redux context, you can use the provide function:

Entry File (src/main.ts)

import { provide } from "@laserware/sword";
import { mount } from "svelte";

import { createStore } from "./my-redux-store";

import App from "./App.svelte";

const store = createStore();

const app = mount(App, {
target: document.body,
context: provide(store),

export default app();

Import the useDispatch or useSelect functions in components that need to dispatch Redux actions or access Redux state:

<!-- MyComponent.svelte -->
<script lang="ts">
import { useDispatch, useSelector } from "@laserware/sword";

import { someAction } from "./my-redux-actions";
import { selectSomeValue } from "./my-redux-selectors";

const dispatch = useDispatch();

const someValue = useSelector(selectSomeValue);

function handleClick(): void {

<button onclick={handleClick}>Click me</button>