Function provide

  • Adds the specified Redux store to the specified Svelte context.

    This is an alternative to wrapping your application's entry point in a ProviderComponent, which requires an extra component.

    Type Parameters

    • S

      Redux state definition.


    • store: Store<S>

      Redux store to add to context.

    • Optionalcontext: Map<any, any> = ...

      Optional existing context to add entries to.

    Returns Map<any, any>

    The Svelte context Map with the Redux entries added.

    Only Entry in Context

    If you don't need to add anything else to context:

    import { provide } from "@laserware/sword";
    import { mount } from "svelte";

    import { createStore } from "./my-redux-store";

    import App from "./App.svelte";

    const store = createStore();

    const app = mount(App, {
    target: document.body,
    context: provide(store),

    export default app();

    With Additional Context Entries

    If you need to add other items to Svelte context, just use the return value of provide:

    import { provide } from "@laserware/sword";
    import { mount } from "svelte";

    import { createStore } from "./my-redux-store";

    import App from "./App.svelte";

    const store = createStore();

    // This is a Map<any, any>:
    const context = provide(store);

    context.set("extraItem", { foo: "bar" });

    const app = mount(App, {
    target: document.body,

    export default app();